Archives: Portfolio

Onebridge Infotech™

Software Piracy Protection

IT CONSULTANCY DEDICATED IT SOLUTIONS WITH 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD Software Piracy Protection The goal of developing this project is to prevent software piracy and improve protection and security measures for software. Piracy is one of the biggest threats in the industry. Hackers use malware and malicious code to gain access to software [...]

Ecommerse and SEO Solution

Overview: There are around 20 million e-commerce sites that exist over the internet and in the next 15-20 years, it is expected that more than 90% of all purchases will take place via these online platforms. Most probably you’ve got an idea from this regarding how the startups like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. turned into the [...]

Bug Tracking App

IT CONSULTANCY DEDICATED IT SOLUTIONS WITH 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD There are many synonyms for ‘bugs’ in the software and technology industry and no, I’m not talking about creepy crawlies. Some refer to them as ‘defects’ or ‘faults’, while others simply categorise them as ‘issues’ or ‘glitches’. In the end it doesn’t really [...]